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Autism Acceptance Short Sleeve Tee Shirt

Smallwood Autism Acceptance tee shirt short


Smallwood AUTISM ACCEPTANCE Short Sleeve Tee

Designed by a Smallwood student every year, this has become a very nice tradition. Together we can make a difference in the lives of many.

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Child / Homeroom:
Product Code: SSAUT01S


Smallwood AUTISM ACCEPTANCE Short Sleeve Tee

Designed by a Smallwood student every year, this has become a very nice tradition. Together we can make a difference in the lives of many.

Soft cotton tee shirt is true to size and very comfortable. ministicks.com appreciates the opportunity to work with Smallwood Elementary.

Please select "in store pickup" as the shipping method. All orders will be delivered to Smallwood and distributed. If you want us to ship an order to a friend or relative, please place a separate order and shipping cost will be included.

Product CodeNamePRICEQty
Product Code:SSAUT01S-2ASSHORT sleeve - ADULT unisex SPRICE:$25.00
Product Code:SSAUT01S-3AMSHORT sleeve - ADULT unisex MPRICE:$25.00
Product Code:SSAUT01S-4ALSHORT sleeve - ADULT unisex LPRICE:$25.00
Product Code:SSAUT01S-5AXLSHORT sleeve - ADULT unisex XLPRICE:$25.00
Product Code:SSAUT01S-6A2XLSHORT sleeve - ADULT unisex 2XPRICE:$27.00
Product Code:SSAUT01S-7A3XLSHORT sleeve - ADULT unisex 3XLPRICE:$29.00
Product Code:SSAUT01S-01YXSSHORT sleeve - YOUTH XS 2-4PRICE:$25.00
Product Code:SSAUT01S-02YSSHORT sleeve - YOUTH S 6-8PRICE:$25.00
Product Code:SSAUT01S-03YMSHORT sleeve - YOUTH M 10-12PRICE:$25.00
Product Code:SSAUT01S-04YLSHORT sleeve - YOUTH L 14-16PRICE:$25.00
Product Code:SSAUT01S-05YXLSHORT sleeve - YOUTH XL 18-20PRICE:$25.00
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